Hey, we're designing an app that makes selling and buying second hand online a lot easier. We'd love your input to make it as useful as possible. Also, if you’d like to join a waitlist for our app, you can opt-in after finishing the survey!

1. Please enter your full name

2. Please enter your email

3. To which of the following age groups do you belong?

4. Kindly specify your gender

5. Where do you usually shop for second-hand clothing?

6. How often do you shop for second-hand clothing online?

7A. Please rate the following statements and if you agree with them. Are these factors influential based on your experience? (Online Thrifting)

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly Agree
Lack of ability to touch and feel products before purchasing
Uncertainties about size, or fit
Uncertainties about the condition upon arrival
Inconvenience of searching through products online
Difficult return process
Inconsistent Pricing of second-hand clothing online
Limited payment options
Expensive shipping costs
Website or app navigation tricky

7B. Please rate the following statements and if you agree with them. Are these factors influential based on your experience? (Brick & Mortar)

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUndecidedAgreeStrongly Agree
There are not enough options for me to look through in most thrift shops
Not having the item available online (regarding thrift stores)
The store layout makes it easy to find what I am looking for

Thrifting Online

8. What platforms do you use for shopping second-hand clothing online? (Select all that apply)

9. (Follow up) Can you give your reasoning for your platform choices?

10. What features would make shopping for second-hand clothing online easier for you? (Select all that apply)

11. In your experience, what is a user-friendly website/app for shopping second-hand fashion? (can also be a retail platform)

12. Do you have any additional suggestions for improving the online second-hand clothing shopping experience? (Optional)